Saturday, April 23, 2005

Wailing and Gnashing

I have a most unusual tug on my sensibilities. Is it the approaching full moon? Dunno, but something has me scratching and clawing at the upside down world in which we live. Like I alluded to in the Hunter piece, did the bullshit and scurrilousness become too great for even he? I mean, we who seek truth and righteousness are in the lowest common denominator at present. My country is befouled. And all the people who purport to stand for good and for God are the very ones who are shoving all this insanity down everyone's throats. They are bastards of the worst form. And I despise their lies and hypocrisy.
My dad is a preacher. And I must admit that my folks are now busier than they've ever been, and seemingly for the betterment of mankind. They both are tireless in their devotion to helping the poor, the elderly, the weak, the infirmed, and hey, I applaud them for their efforts. But politically? We are on the opposite edge of the wedge and it's made communication almost impossible. As a matter of fact, we've made a pact to never discuss politics again.
I tried to point out that it is one thing to educate someone on a way of life in the realms of faith and belief. Quite another to dictate to all others how to believe and live.
I guess it is that pressure that I'm feeling that makes me have these outbursts. Not being a political animal these last few years have had a profound effect on my psyche. It is quite unbelievable the lies and skullduggery which is so pervasive and continues to gather strength here in this nation.
We're losing everything and selling everything down the river that is near and dear to me, and I feel helpless.
I guess I stick to my game plan which is to follow my due course and make a shitload of money over the next 10 to 15 years, whereupon I will leave this place and return to the home of my origins. Or at least, that is what I was told by a most in tune psychic many years ago. She said this would happen, and even though not a blueprint for my life, it does seem to eerily follow a designated pattern.
Where will I go? She said it would be Aussie land or Thailand, or something akin. Strange in that when visiting both I felt truly at home and was taken kicking and screaming when it was time to depart.
I have an anger boiling. And it won't subside.
So I write.
Sorry to have taken such a serious tack.... but I feel it, and I'm moved to write, as empty an effort as it is. Without this release I would surely self immolate while walking down the street.
Fucking Hunter is gone, and recently I've read some very troubling shit on his front, all sorts of snuff films and the like.
Too much darkness, and I am imbued with light. What to do.... what to do................
Sorry for the look at my underbelly, but I'm sure you will have an objective opinion that will prove to be a weight on the scale, one much needed, my friend.
Funny. Ha-Ha. Snicker. Giggle. Mirth. Merriment. Guffaw. A losing ground by the day artform. I want responsibility and accountability. I need truth. I need righteousness. I need someone to look up to who I can trust, who is doing the right things for all the right reasons. I need release. Meanwhile, I endeavor to do exactly that in my everyday. I hope it will have the ripple effect.
I'm counting on it. God's grace moves through me. I want to share. To give. To help wherever I can. It is my calling. And I must fight this darkness with every ounce of my strength. The old David and Goliath thing all over again.
I got a rock in my hand. And I'm lookin' for the next cocksucker with whom I will strike with a vengeance.


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