Monday, March 16, 2009

Friday March 14th, '09

I sat in Darwin Smith’s home studio, the walls oyster shell blue, the windowsill egg shell cream, and outside were some green bushes with fiery red leaves covering the top of the hedge. The effect was lving in a painting.
By phone I spoke with a friend I’m madly in love with. She’s enroute from New Orleans to Austin for the SXSW film festival and I’m thrilled, Our conversation is so easy, so natural. I love hearing her voice, her thought patterns. She is divine.
I had a vermicelli bowl from Hai Ky for lunch. My mouth was sparkling from the basil, cilantro, cucumber, mint, fresh lettuce, grilled chicken and egg rolls, drizzled in hot chiles and Sriracha. I could live on this dish. I’m energized!
Performed with The Scruffy Chillens at Hole in the Wall. Always big fat grooves. No artifice. Just great songs and players listening to one another.
Dropping my drums at Boos he gave me a bite of some potato gnocci slathered in a garlic cream sauce he’d cooked. Damn good!!
I listened to a friend, Michael O’Neill's recording. He and I cut the basic tracks by ourselves a few months back at Willie Nelson’s place, Pedernales Studios, and so glad we did as our work perfectly described how the songs should feel and sound, and the end results were imminently satisfying.
In homage to my depression era mom, I snackd on mayo on wheat saltines w. chunks of maple ham. Baked potato and vino rosa, too. Yum!


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