Wednesday, June 23, 2004

There is a Mockingbird

There is a mockingbird who lives outside my front door that will not let me and my girls take a walk outside without exerting uber vigilance; constantly harassing us with every step taken. Hard for me to believe that this creature, so small, can be so damn fearless! Doesn’t give up for shit! And it matters not what time of the day or night either, this little bird is on it. I will say this, consistency of purpose is a trait to be well admired, and this bird has it in spades.
I hear him before I see him. I say him, more than likely it is a she; the male probably all wallowed up in the nest like a big dog, waiting on wifeepoo to bring him his next meal, watching The Sopranos on HBO, drinking a beer, ready to spring a hardon at a moment’s notice therefore fulfilling his natural obligation. Ha! ...Yeah, the fact remains throughout all the species, across the board, females are the true protectors, the true hunters. Males provide sperm. Simple as that. Kick butt when they are forced into doing so, but generally it is the females who take the lead. When danger knocks that maternal shit kicks in big time and they don’t even think of hesitating. Consistency of purpose on vivid display. Ubiquitous clarity.
I hear the sharp edged, cadenced “chirp!” before I see her. Only one or two steps out the door and she is on the case. Next thing I see is her dive-bombing both my girls, pecking them on their asses or their heads as she darts by like a kamikaze. My girls are a little jumpy now whenever it’s time to go outside. They instinctively know this mockingbird means business. I get a big kick out of it. Wherever we wander on the property, this bird stays dead on our ass, never letting us out of her sight. And steadily, with measured urgency, she chirps like an early warning signal, lettin’ the neighborhood know that danger is lurking; repeatedly risking life and limb, dive-bombing my girls every chance she gets. This bird ain’t fuckin’ around.
I respect the hell out of this bird. Gotta admire the little peckerwood. In comparison, I’m tormented by the incontrovertible way in which humans do nothing but pollute and malign. We’ve lost the plot. And we say we are the dominant species?! We ain’t got shit on mother nature. Mother nature eats us for lunch. We, the human race, can’t even protect ourselves from ourselves! Now ain’t that some shit... Suck on that.
This little bird, this infinitesimal speck in the universe has a heart much bigger than we will ever hope to. Kamikaze fucker lives to its fullest potential every day. Like we should, but don’t.
And tomorrow morning, when we step outside, I will hear that sharp tinged “chirp!” one more time, and there she will be; big red sun eyeing us down, daring us to take one step out of line, and if so, prepare to pay the consequences! I love this fucking bird.
Purity of essence is wondrous to behold. The simplicity, the perfection of it is awe inspiring. We, on the other hand, have become walking talking cesspools, drowning daily in our own bullshit, and we don’t even know it.
The meek shall inherit the earth. Indeed. As well they should. They got it right.
Meanwhile, there is a mockingbird who lives outside my door. She lives... she truly lives.


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