Sunday, July 18, 2004


Is it me, or does Courtney Love have the most hideous ears ever seen on a human being, and that’s the least of her problems?
Is it me, or can you blame Israel for building a fence, a thirty-foot high concrete barrier to give themselves some peace, keep the violence perpetrated on them to a dull roar?
Is it me, or does the man who hit his girlfriend several times by swinging his pet alligator like a ball bat after becoming rather dejected when they ran out of beer deserve to be put on the cover of Time?
Is it me, or do we have some serious schoolyard bullies in power who are manipulating the arts and the media even moreso than the McCarthyism we faced in the 50’s?
Is it me, or does anyone really give a shit about what Jennifer Lopez does anymore, her iconic bombeezy notwithstanding?
Is it me, or is Martha Stewart getting a bum rap while Ken Lay, a free man, frolicks with his preacher in tow?
Is it me, or does the woman who offered her pet pig as bait to catch an AWOL tiger in Florida need a lobotomy, or even better, become food for the pig she offered?
Is it me, or is Lance Armstrong a cyborg; a lucky cyborg who also, incidentally, dates Sheryl Crow?
Is it me, or do we seriously need more people like Chuck Barris?
Where's the humor, folks?!
Is it me, or do our political leaders worldwide need to have more sex, preferably with their spouses, leaving little boys to the Roman clergy?
Is it me, or do we need to push for alternative energies rather than drilling new wells in Antarctica, bringing our world that much closer to the brink of ruin and destruction over oil?
Is it me, or is it time someone does everyone a favor and fucks Anna Nicole Smith to death?
Clue. It isn’t me.
Our world is a roller coaster which hasn’t any end, only continually pushing the edges of the envelope further and further as we descend into madness.
Is it me, or does anyone give a rat's ass anymore?


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