Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Gee Willikers

The polarization that is currently sweeping like wildfires across this nation of ours is downright frightening. The far right and the far left are reaching a crises point, so caught up in their own blind rhetoric that any possibility of understanding or a working dialogue is hopelessly doomed and frankly impossible at this point. Reminds me of the Palestinians and the Israelis, or the Protestants and the Catholics in Northern Ireland. Both sides, like the aforementioned, are irretractible at this point, and each day the division between the two ideologies are heading more and more toward a violent eruption.
Scary times are ahead folks.
Hell, even Linda Ronstadt got loudly booed during an encore at the Aladdin Hotel in Las Vegas for comments she made about the filmmaker Michael Moore being a good American! And then, incredibly, was removed from the property, not even allowed to retire post concert to her in-house lodgings, and was, in turn, also permanently banned from the facility! All for just speaking her mind, in what is supposedly a country that champions free speech?! Repugnant. Sig heil, Bush! You’ve almost got everyone goosestepping!!
In truth, her situation is small peanuts from what is arguably a showdown of epic proportions. One fast approaching. Just like the religious wars of the centuries, the good old U.S.A. is headed straight for our own version of internal Jihad. I’m sure God is real happy about this.
Ignorance and hostility are steadily gaining ground. Fear is being used like a weapon. The line in our fertile soil has been drawn and blood is waiting to be shed. Unnecessarily. Woe is be to us. We are entering into a dark time of which the scars will never heal.
God bless America. But unfortunately this has nothing to do with our Lord on high, this is man in all of his finery, doing his worst, all under the guise of carrying God’s torch.
Has either side read the Ten Commandments? Has either side really read and understood the basic principles set forth in The Constitution on which our country was founded?
I am ashamed. I am madder than a pissed on monkey.
This is not a time to sit idly by.


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