Saturday, July 10, 2004


Wanting badly to escape the madness my life’s become of late, I sat down under my favorite stand of trees as the sun disappeared under the lip of the horizon and I shut ‘er down. I closed my eyes and waited for my brain to readjust, wanting more than anything for the world as I’ve come to know it to reappear. Slowly, as if reconnecting to the source, I began to hear the songs of birds, the rush of the wind, the tweeze and zizz of the insect symphony around me... the peace that is nature. But as quickly as I sunk into this state of bliss another sound radically obliterated the harmony I sought; the moan of rubber on asphalt, the dull roar of gas driven engines. A hateful, marauding sound that tore the tranquility I craved into so many jagged shreds. And I grew sorely ashamed.
We, the human race, think we’ve made progress. But have we?
What have we done to our host but mock it and use it like a cheap hooker?
The other day I read a most enlightening and entertaining screed from one of our most treasured men of letters, Kurt Vonnegut. A letter he felt compelled to write as he, too, watches us not so slowly destroy everything around us, including one another. And he had a most distinct reason why we are approaching a disaster of epic proportions, breaking it down into a most basic and entirely logical premise. “We, as a human race”, he said, “are addicted to fossil fuels. That fact will be our demise.” The truth contained in those two sentences hit me like nothing I can ever recall. And what sickened him worse than the fact that we allowed ourselves to be seduced by it was the fact that we are so brazen, so hooked, in denial, we aren’t even looking ahead to the day when we’ll run out of the fossil fuels, prudently doing what we need to do to avert the coming disaster. It’s almost cold turkey time and we’re buying fucking SUV’s for chrissakes! How blind, how arrogant are we?
We’re talking worldwide collapse here folks.
I met a wildcatter a few years back who predicted all that is facing our world now. At the time he was looking into some antiquated geological surveys where he was betting oil would be, and he told me why he was taking such a gamble. He explained that over in the Middle East they’d recently discovered that Allah wasn’t going to provide a never ending stream of oil after all. The Saudi geologists found that the end is indeed in sight. They’ve peaked. This wildcatter told me to watch world events over the next few years. He said that there would be horrific wars over oil and that gas prices would rocket out of sight. “The party is over” he said. And how long before the cold turkey, you ask? Well, from the information I’ve been gathering, much sooner than anyone in any position of power anywhere on this Earth wants to let us know. The folks in power rather like the lifestyle they’ve carved out for themselves so they keep us hoodwinked and pacified. Just look at our administration today. They are the biggest drug dealers on the planet and they’re free, raping this country, this world, making billions annually. Our leaders on high are consorting with the biggest drug cartels in the world, too. The Saudi’s. And do they care what happens to the children who’ll inherit this fucked up world? “Shit, that’s their fucking problem”, they’ll say, “we got money to make... go buy another gallon of gas and shut the fuck up”. They’ll be dead and long gone so it’s no sweat off their wealthy and getting wealthier backs. Our whole infrastructure is dependent on this shit! Without it, we’re all fucked! So what in the hell can we say in defense to that? The game’s rigged. They got us by the short and curlies folks, right where they want us.
However, there will be some groups of people who will have the last laugh on this one. They’ve been saying it for eons, and have also had the balls to live it, walk it like they talk it. I’m talking about the Quakers, the Amish, the Mennonites, and others like them. As gasoline creeps up to prices no one will be able to afford, what will these groups do? Keep traveling by horse and buggy, eating the food they’ve been growing, completely content, self-sufficient, their world unchanged, while the world around them collapses in a hellish scene never before witnessed in the history of humanity.
You’re a junkie. I’m a junkie. We’re all junkies of one sort or another. Supply and demand folks. You figure it out.
I almost wish I could be here during the age when the well runs dry. Then maybe I could get some peace and fucking quiet again!
Anybody remember a dynasty called The Roman Empire? This next worldwide failure is gonna make that demise look like child’s play. The whole shit is gonna implode and it ain’t gonna be pretty.
We are no better than the goats who were left on that tiny island in the Pacific who, over time, ate everything on it, then they all died of starvation. We, too, had our chance. We blew it. Our situation is inexorable. It’s only a matter of time.
Party on while it lasts folks! Sodom and Gomorrah is in full tilt boogie. Rome will fall. We’re the next dinosaurs. Do the T-Rex!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so right, brother! And we, the citizens of the good ol' U. S. of A., are the worst abusers. What's it going to take for people to snap out of the state of denial we currently reside in? I'll tell you what, brother, it's going to take a calamity that makes that current flick about loss of the ozone seem like a ride at Space Mountain. And who's going to have the hardest time dealing with it when it comes? Why the greedy, selfish, arrogant morons driving around in their Hummers who think they are entitled to consume as if God was their chauffeur. Until it all dries up, however, we'll just have to watch as visionaries like Bush/Cheney trump up blatant lies to grab what's left of the planet's energy sources from lesser nations of the world. I hope I'm around to see the greedy left on the side of the road with their thumbs in the air.

7:28 AM  

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