Monday, July 05, 2004

One Stone

I was sitting there alone at the bar. My pockets were bare. The music was over. My ex had left in a squirrely huff. And it hit me. Life has been a series of car wrecks lately, all designed to teach me, enlighten me, but fuck! have all the breaks, all the mysterious connections that produce wonder and magic vamoosed for good? All rhetorical questions of which I know the answers, but some days you are in need of unexpected luck, a kind word, a smile, a lick from a dog.... something, anything! Today was one of those.
As the people filed out, I sat at the bar, in the corner of the room, by myself. Not looking at anyone. Nor caring to. Minding my own business. Nursing my wounds.
Without warning, suddenly a dude was standing right beside me, looking a tad nervous. He put his beer on the bar and told his date to wait a second, then he looked at me and under his breath, in all seriousness, he said, “Man, I’m 33 years old and I don’t know where my life is taking me. But all I got to say is, if I look as cool as you when I’m your age, then I know I’ll be alright.”
All I could do was smile and nod. I mean, I knew of what he spoke as I’ve heard it from others concerning my demeanor and my attire, but what can you say to something like that without being uncool? So I left it at that. The dude saluted me with his beer then threw his arm around his chick and split.
Deep down I know everything’s gonna be okay. I’m doing the work necessary. But I was glad he’d said those words to me. Made me feel better, at the least. Angels come in funny packages.
It’s the small things that count and in this day and age I'll take 'em where I can get 'em.
How to move a mountain? One stone at a time.
You gotta get behind the mule and plow.


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