Friday, September 03, 2004


I’ve been drunk before. More than once. Really drunk. Moreso than most. For years I made a habit of drinking. For the most part, I had a damn good time at it. But as much as I drank and caroused I never ever ever drank myself to a point to where there was violence or mischief that caused any harm to anyone anytime. Not once! So it is hard for me to believe or accept what happened in our great land yesterday.
In Georgia, two men were heading home after a night of recreational imbibing. The driver, John Hutcherson, made it. The passenger, Frankie Grohm, didn’t quite make it least alive.
On the way home, Frankie was hanging outside the passenger side window, raising a little hell, feeling his oats, when John decided to veer unexpectedly off the road.
John made it home, got out of the car, walked in the house, into his bedroom, and promptly passed out.
Next morning it became obvious that his friend, Frankie, had not made it home least alive.
Apparently when John swerved off the road he hit a telephone pole and clipped the guide wire which at the same time decapitated his passenger and friend.
Now get this... John drives home, his passenger still in the passenger seat, very much dead, very much without a head, and JOHN DOESN’T KNOW IT!
How drunk is that?! Humanity at its finest!
And then there’s the story of Katrina Ferguson, a young woman from Beamont, Texas. Apparently Katrina, very much pregnant, got shitfaced at a party at a friend’s house and went to the bathroom feeling mother nature's call, inadvertently giving birth to the child. Katrina, obviously in need of another drink, left the child in toilet, flushed the toilet, and went back to the party as if nothing had happened. "Let's party!!"
How drunk?! HOW DRUNK?!
In the meantime alcohol is legal. Pot isn’t.
Go figure.
Thornton Wilder said it best when he uttered these words, "Ninety-nine percent of the world is made up of fools and the rest of us are in danger of contagion."
Here here.


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