Friday, September 10, 2004

Dirty Rotten Lying Sons A Bitches

Courtesy of the current presidential race, one fact has risen from the depths to make itself apparent one more time, as if we needed to be clubbed over the head to wake from our slumber. The fact is, tell a lie enough times, over and over and over and over again, and soon enough it becomes truth. The spin predominates in this day and age; truth a vanishing ideal.
It’s hard for me to believe or withstand the barrage of lies that flies from the Republican camp these days. And to my utter horror and astonishment, I watch as all these glassy eyed followers eat this shit up as if it was filet mignon. Almost every fact and victory they champion is hollow and misleading, but they continue to spoon feed the gullible public how great things are... and soon enough the idiots that constitute Amerika actually believe what they’re being told.
Not exactly new news. I mean, look how long the Catholic Church and their pervasive lies held water.
I’m incredulous and shivering. All I believe in is suddenly called into question, and right here in my own backyard! My liberty, my freedom is at stake and I’m fighting a tidal wave of skullduggery and dumbass by evil cocksuckers who will stop at nothing to keep everyone under their omnipresent thumb, sucking us dry and leaving us to fend for ourselves while their party rages on.
The truth... a shrinking commodity.
Where does that leave us? Hell on earth.
Oh woe is me... oh woe is us.


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