Smoke and Mirrors
We have a commander-in-chief who is campaigning for re-election. Lately he appears to be selling himself based upon his ability to take charge, make a decision, and stick by that decision with unwavering conviction. He says he walks it like he talks it, and indeed he does.
With conviction, our president is responsible for taking a surplus left by the previous administration and ballooned the national debt to a figure that’s never been seen before in our nation’s history. And he’s far from done.
With conviction, our president has repeatedly lied to us and led us into a war that we never should’ve entered into, and the death toll continues to rise and the resistance to our efforts gains strength by the day.
With conviction, our president says we are attacking evil at its core, yet I notice attrocities that are off the scale in Chechneya, the Sudan, Iran, and North Korea, yet we don't lift a finger to intervene there.
With conviction, our president has taken away many of our liberties and freedoms, all under the guise and the lie of protecting us.
With conviction, our president lied to us and told us the economy was on the rebound. I hardly call staggering debt, spiraling gasoline prices, and unemployment that’s off the radar progress.
With conviction, our president lorded over a tax cut that only truly benefited the rich.
With conviction, our president hasn’t lifted a finger to remedy our health care problem, pandering to the drug companies and insurance companies at the common man’s expense, giving us political lip service instead.
With conviction, our president has willfully raped a score of ecological preservations all in the name of shameless corporate greed.
With conviction, our president has singlehandedly pissed off the entire world at large. We’ve lost any respect we’ve gained over the years and if anything we are feared; schoolyard bullies by any other name.
With conviction, our president has cranked up national fear and divisiveness to be able to hoodwink a hypnotized, scatterbrained public and put us at odds with our fellow man, all for his own gain.
So yeah, I believe him when he says he is a man with conviction. But the man stands on a stack of lies. And no, our country isn’t better off than it was. He inherited a country that was on a reasonable path, and since has obliterated any gains and peace we savored as a nation. Even after 911, our leader had a chance to do the right things, but he hasn’t, only servicing the well heeled chums who stand to gain from his miscalculated misadventures. In case you haven’t noticed, our country is ripped apart and idiots abound who believe this charlatan and what he stands for. I’ve never seen a more divided country, and he continues to brainwash us with how wonderful things are in Amerika under his so called “leadership”. A misnomer at best.
The man is a liar, plain and simple. Not to mention he is out and out stupid. He is also vengeful and duplicitous. And he uses religion as his bait, even though his actions represent a heathen in Christian clothes; the worst kind of person imaginable.
Dig beneath the surface folks. A vote for this man is a vote for all that is unconscionable and wrong with mankind. And if you believe this liar and the shoddy house of cards he’s built, you’ll get what you deserve.
Convict that.
What I deserve, neither man can give me. I'll still take Bush.
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