Saturday, November 06, 2004

Present Reality-A Letter to a Friend

Was watching the Bill Maher show on HBO this evening and the picture's never been more clear. He has special guests who come on an in-house screen from time to time and he conducts interviews via this fashion. Well, this evening he had a Senator Simpson from Wyoming, I believe, and what I saw tonight and what I witnessed the other night at Larry's has given me a clear picture of the shape of things to come.
As soon as Bill asked his first question -which was tinged with a bit of comedic sarcasm- he was viciously attacked by the senator and it never got any better. It got personal and real quick, the Senator repeatedly ignoring the questions and not really "hearing" what Bill was asking, instead chiding and attacking Bill and others like him for their views. Flagrantly cursing and attacking with severe condescension were the gist of the senator's replies. Reminded me of your "conversation" with Tom the other night at Larry's.
These people (see how I'm talking, it is an "us" vs. "them" mentality-fucking hate it) feel they have won some sort of victory that gives them free rein to attack anyone who thinks differently. There isn't any understanding of any sort. We are either on their side and agree with them or we are the enemy. Whose words are those? Dubya's of course, and he's stained the consciousness of our country beyond belief with them. Dialogue is gone for now, and we'd better get used to it. Our founding fathers must be turning in their graves!
What does this mean? We certainly don't give up, but we'd better be ready to challenge them on a level they understand, which unfortunately, reverts us back to Cro Magnon. Quick on our feet, in other words. Survival of the fittest.
These next few years are going to be the most challenging of our lives. We'd better get some thick skin and a laser like vision, plenty of patience, fortitude, and clarity. Otherwise, we'll go down in the flood.


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