Our troubled history is there to teach us, especially if we’re committed enough to reach out, and with conviction, grasp the bigger picture in hopes of advancing mankind.
I was fortunate enough to have been vicariously raised through the tender care and mercy of several women of color, as my Mom and Dad both had to work to make ends meet in a day and age that seems almost impossible to have ever existed, and over time I’ve come to appreciate the tireless efforts of these women, who, despite what racial incongruity existed in the day, gave their all to make sure that we -and others like us- received the best of care, a love supreme.
Goldie was one of these women, and one of the sweetest people of any color I’ve ever had the privilege to have shared this experience we call life. A loving spirit that knew no bounds, Goldie was selfless and gave her all to make sure that we kids were well fed and taken care of while Mom and Dad were out in the world making a living. Goldie’s spaghetti alone was to die for! And the hugs and laughter we shared bore no price tag. I loved Goldie, plain and simple. And despite the passing of time, the love I feel for her has never diminished, only grown, if anything, knowing now as I do the wall her back was against.
One day, I forget the reason why, but riding in the back seat with my sister -my Mom driving Goldie home to be with her family- me and sis got into an argument and in the heat of battle my sister’s infamous temper cut loose and she unleashed the “N” word.
Afterwards, there was a prolonged silence in the car, and I will never forget the look on Goldie’s face when she finally turned and faced us, the both of us stunned and in shock over the unexpected outburst. The look of profound hurt that masked Goldie’s face haunted us for years and years thereafter. Me and my sister and my Mom have never forgotten that day, and we’ve touched upon the moment in embarrassed tones since.
Goldie didn’t deserve the ugliness she received that day.
But Goldie was a most serene woman, filled with an all encompassing capacity for goodness. Even after that horrific day, she continued to be there for us as if the incident had never happened. Goldie loved us unconditionally with every beating ounce of her heart.
No matter the color her skin, no matter her lot in life, Goldie was love incarnate. There exists an adage which states that true love is color blind, and I can personally vouch that statement to be true. The cherished memory of Goldie has forever burned deep into the very roots of my soul.
God had a special place for Goldie in the next domain when she left us, and for that, I’m happy. She deserved that and more, much much more.
Times have changed, but have we embraced all that can be? The past is gone, nothing we do will ever change it, but we can do something about the present. Love, tolerance, compassion and understanding can truly change everything that stands in the way of racial equality and respect. In the immortal words of John Lennon, “All we need is love”. And one can only imagine the depths of what Martin Luther King truly meant when he bravely uttered the immortal words, “I have a dream”.
The tools are in our hands. Isn’t it time to sweep in front of your own doorstep, try a little harder to mend this bridge that divides? With wounds this deep, the work is never done. However, with love guiding your way, anything and everything can change for the better in a single, solitary moment of clarity and acceptance. Just like Goldie showed us, even in the dark days of overwhelming oppression and dogged, blasphemous ignorance, love can and will triumph.
Goldie’s humble legacy is blazing bright enough for all of us to learn, to grow, to share, and to give freely, like she would’ve wanted, like she exhibited, day after day after day after day after day. The quiet dignity she possessed should be a beacon for us all.
Today is a new day. All things are possible. With God’s grace helping to cleanse our souls, we shall truly overcome. And what a great day that will be!
Take that first step. Encourage your fellow man to to join the crusade. What power we have to be able to at any moment, realign our minds, change our course, and because of our actions, the world becomes a better place by the sunshine brought forth to cast into nothingness the shadows that were once there.
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