Wednesday, December 01, 2004


Magic. Not Houdini. Not even Copperfield. Much less Ricky Jay. No, I’m talking about that undefinable dip into the shimmering cosmos, sticking in your thumb and pulling out the unexpected life-changing plumb.
I grew up in a day when magic was due course. Happenstance meetings with those with whom you commiserated and understood and admired took place with due diligence and chance. Trips around the world occurred because of word of mouth and dalliance. And because, women flocked to your doorstep and the phone rang incessantly with good news, golden opportunities. If you dared, life backed you up. Greatness was there for those who dared. And the more you dangled over the edge, the more likely you were to strike pay dirt and swim to all new depths.
Today is another story altogether.
Today we champion mediocrity. Today we rely on “knowledge”. Today we exhibit brute force and wallow in lies. Today we respect the bottom line. Today we accrue too much useless information and act like we're enlightened. Today we're all thinking too much and consider ourselves impervious, omnipotent, arrogantly dismissing such a willy nilly, hobgoblin notion as real life magic. Today man has flippantly traded all encompassing wonder for stoic reason. We've lost the plot.
I miss the days of magic. And wonder.
I’ve not given up. Never will. And one day... one day when least expected, magic will once again show up on my doorstep and demand to be recognized. On that day, I will french kiss her. I will bowl her over with unrestrained ardor. I will continue to maul her like a long lost lover until she rests her head on my shoulder and weeps.
Magic. Only for the few. And we who know it, who live it and breathe it, are challenged to be stewards of the holy manna. Otherwise, what’s the point? I, for one, ain’t gonna give in 'til she shows her face again. Life is for the living. And I gotta handful and ain’t gonna let go for shit... cracker motherfuckers.... and when I reappear, imbued and re-illuminated, you folks are gonna gape and shit. You will know me by the beatific look on my face, a clarity and focus that you can't even fathom, much less understand.


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