I gotta find a plain metal water bucket. After ingesting my green stuff, I went to The Great Outdoors. No such luck. However, I did find a cool piece of yard folk art, a very distinctive metal pig with wings. He's chipped up metal black and rusty. Also found a beautiful set of chimes, thin glass, the most beautiful greens, yellows and whites. Got them both on the back porch where they keep me company all the livelong day!. Feng shui is where it's at. Worked on a short story most of the day. Had a great conversation with Jon Sanchez, one of the most gifted guitarists I've ever worked with. Like me, he's big on uniqueness. Either make a statement, or get the fuck off the stage! Glad to know I'm not totally crazy; keyword: totally. Went and saw Charlie Faye, heard some of the new recording I did with Will Sexton. She's a groovy gal, such a sense of style, said she liked my new hirsuteness, sez she likes scruffy men. Well all right then! There's hope for me yet in this Sam Peckinpah phase I've undertaken. She then told me she had a dream the night before where I was recording with Charlie Sexton, well all right then again! Cooked up some turkey augmented dirty rice to stuff into some poblano peppers. Chopped up some fresh green onions, tossed them in the pot, too. Had a long conversation with a once dead negro, another incredibly talented, mofo, Frank Blair. We talked shit and reminisced about our days on the road. I laughed until I hurt. Little bite size pieces of Butterfinger are dangerous to keep around the house in bulk. Just one more little piece before I go to bed... -dony
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