I’m not one to get into political discussions, as my views embrace a little bit from all of it; well rounded, well intentioned living, for one and for all, live and let live, one could say. The whole idea of parties and partisan anything is about as blind and ignorant as can believed, but then, we are talking about humanus walkus erectus, the most stupifying and flabbergasting species afoot. So, more times than not, when a conversation steers into the political domain I will wander off in search of a beautiful flower to look at, anything but the close-minded fraternal claptrap which I know will follow.
But something came out in the news yesterday that I just can’t let pass without comment. The statement was uttered by a man who I think is truly the most seriously dangerous man in power today... and no, it ain’t the Prez. Bush is just a fucking puppet in this deal. No, I’m talking about his Vice-Prez, “The Dick” Cheney.
“The Dick” is evil incarnate, leading this president and more importantly, our country to the edge of ruin, while he sardonically grins and seems to hate most everyone, lining his pockets from our blood and hysteria as fast as he can. Is it any wonder the guy has had multiple heart surgeries? In my mind, it’s a wonder he still has one.
“The Dick” is the man responsible for the war in Iraq, belonging to a not so secret severely right wing fraternal order (whose other members include Donald Rumsfeld, Larry Wolfowitz, and others in Bush’s cabinet) whose number one item on its world domination agenda is/was to get Saddham Hussein out of power. And why? To control the Middle East, and more importantly, the oil there. Mission accomplished.
“The Dick” is also behind the mammoth conglomerate, Haliburton, and their corporate abuses are legendary and we only know a fraction of the whole story there. Courtesy of this war in Iraq, they were the only company allowed to bid (odd that, eh?) and have made billions over the course of the conflict, and only now, are they being called onto the carpet for very questionable practices. Still, the large money is socked away, mission accomplished.
“The Dick’s” thinly veiled contempt for everyone and everything who stands in his path is also the stuff of legend, getting into a shouting match with a veteran senator who’d opposed him on various issues on the house floor, telling him in so many words, “to fuck himself”. Nice guy. Finally got to know what he really thought without the carefully crafted speech chockablock with partisan lies. He’s ramrodded over everyone underneath his aegis, and he obviously doesn’t give a good rat fuck who he mows under, he just smiles and watches his bank account grow, flexing his power and muscle for all it’s worth. Yet another mission accomplished.
“The Dick” has the balls to call his opponents liars, questioning their service to their country. This a man who sought and achieved five different deferments from having to serve our country in an honorable fashion. And the Republican followers eat the very shit the man spews forth. Gladly even. Mission accomplished.
And now this terror issue. Something we will have to live with the rest of our lives, only made worse by this administration's attack on a country, but more specifically, a religion, whose lunatic fringe will not stop until they taste American blood now and forever more. The dog backed into the corner finally came out growling, and I can’t say that I blame them.
And how do these jackals, our administration, keep the American public hoodwinked? Fear. How best to keep the public in line? Lie to them. Keep them embroiled in fear, and I must say, this administration is using the “fear” tactic moreso than anything I’ve witnessed in my lifetime. And by the reactions of our public, mission accomplished.
But it gets worse. To ratchet up the fear to a most unbelievable degree with a scandalous blatant lie, Cheney goes into a more murky and feeble place, telling the American public that a vote for Kerry will surely bring about another terrorist attack!!!! Fuck me... and to think, there are imbeciles out there who will believe this malarkey from this evil fuck. I GUARANTEE another terrorist attack if the present administration is re-elected! But to inject such a fear based edict onto the already “frightened beyond their wits” American public is more than I can take.
“The Dick” actually said it. And the American public wails and moans, awash in acid based fear because that evil fuck isn’t through raping the people and the world just yet. He actually has more left on his frightful agenda. And he doesn't care how much innocent blood is spilled, or how many poor people grow more destitute. He is above such notions.
“The Dick” doesn’t care about anything, except his pocketbook.
“The Dick” doesn’t like you or your family.
“The Dick” wants your vote, your support, while he lies and kills and rapes and robs the world blind.
“ The Dick” is a fucking menace.
Are we this stupid? I shudder to think.
Thailand or Australia is looking better and better everyday. especially if evil fuck white men continue to run the show here. History proves that these reckless assholes won’t stop til they fuck the whole shebang up. They’ve already done a helluva job of it, just ask the Native Americans. A vote for Bush/Cheney, is a vote to go back to the Medieval Inquisition. We’re almost there.
This shit ain’t funny, folks.
See this hogwash for what it is, and realize who's caused it. Take your head out of the sand, or your ass, and “see” the situation for what it really is, and you, too, will discover the right wing demagoguery is based upon lie after lie after lie after lie.
If not, bend over and don’t use lubrication. The fucking you’ll get won’t be pleasurable. They’ll get off, you won’t, and they won’t kiss you good-bye either.